
Becoming Raw By Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina


Becoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets
By Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina
Paperback 376 pages

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A raw diet is an unnerving thought for many people. The main reasons being, the stereotypes attached to this way of living. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge that gives clarity on eating uncooked foods.

What you will learn

Losing weight is one of the reasons why most people choose to eat food in its natural state. Written by registered dietitians, this book looks at how to obtain all the necessary nutrients. Moreover, this is done while eating natural unprocessed foods and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Becoming raw Part 1 and 2

The book divides into two parts. part 1, firstly looks at the effect that cooking food has on the food and they explain why uncooked food is better.
The authors also provide advice on how to safely handle “tricky” natural foods such as mushrooms and sprouted foods.

In addition, part 2 of the book is all fun ideas on what you can prepare. Besides, it has over 45 yummy recipes. Recipes include pizza, Thai spring rolls, and coconut macaroons, to name a few. These are perfect for any and every occasion. In addition, each recipe has a nutrition guide. Lastly, this section also includes a detailed explanation of the equipment that you will need to make a seamless transition to a healthier lifestyle.
This book is for anyone wanting to learn more about a permanent healthy lifestyle for a better you.

You can also get healthy lifestyle equipment to accompany your book. The right equipment such as a dehydrator, a juicer and a good blender makes preparing healthy food easy and simple.

About the authors

Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina have written this book as a guideline on adapting to the raw lifestyle. In addition, their two previous books Becoming Vegetarian and Becoming Vegan are a solid foundation for the information and facts discussed in this book. This book has great information on the facts behind a lifestyle like this.


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